Teach overseas by joining TeachBeyond! Whether this is your first time going overseas or you are a seasoned veteran, Teach ESL may be the perfect fit for you. Through this exciting opportunity to teach English in a foreign country, you will not just engage the classroom, you yourself will be changed through engaging the community around you.
Why Teach ESL?
Teaching English overseas provides a tremendous opportunity to build relationships that have a transformational impact for the Kingdom. Teach ESL will plug you in with a job teaching English at one of our partner schools or universities around the world. While you’re there, you’ll have the opportunity to build relationships with your co-workers, students, and neighbors, in locations where followers of Jesus are few and far between. Although the initial commitment is one year, we welcome longer terms of service since we realise the benefits of long-term investment in relationships
You want me to live overseas alone?
In addition to employing you with one of our trusted partners, you will also receive ongoing professional and personal support as you serve with our Teach ESL program. You will be placed on a team with other teachers who share your vision for teaching English and building relationships. Don’t be surprised to see these relationships with your fellow Teach ESL team members develop into lifelong friendships as you serve together.
What About the Money?
Participants are responsible for covering costs associated with placement, training, and support while overseas, which can be as low as $6,000, plus travel, for the entire year’s program. However, most of our partner schools and universities do provide housing and a stipend, which varies based on the location. We work with all Teach ESL participants to develop a fund-raising strategy, as we realize the importance of financial and prayer support for a successful term of service.
What’s next? Apply Now!
Our Mobilization Team would love to talk with you about specific program locations and other details. Email us today at serve@teachbeyond.org or submit your info here.
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