We are so excited that you are joining our team!

Now that we have received your final application documents, you are an official TeachBeyond candidate! Congratulations and welcome!

The information below is essential as you begin raising support and preparing documents for your departure. Please complete and submit all forms.

First Things First

You will now be given an Office 365 account which includes your TeachBeyond email account, Business Skype, and other tools.

To set up and access these tools, go to http://portal.office365.com. Your username is your new TeachBeyond email address: [firstinitial][lastname]@teachbeyond.org (e.g., John Doe’s is jdoe@teachbeyond.org).

Your temporary passwords will be sent to you in a separate email. Please begin using your TeachBeyond email and Outlook account as soon as possible as all important information (including financial transactions) will be only utilizing this account.

Our required, week-long TeachBeyond pre-field Orientation will be held on June 17-23, 2018 in Wheaton, Illinois.

  • Orientation prepares you for living and serving cross-culturally as we focus on pertinent logistical, relational, spiritual, and professional topics.
  • We offer a children’s program that helps prepare the children of our candidates for their upcoming transition to living overseas.

For those who are not able to attend the primary orientation in June, we will be holding an alternative orientation in late July in the Vancouver area. We will not be able to offer a children’s program for the Vancouver orientation, and this option is geared only towards candidates who have an unresolvable conflict with the June orientation dates.

Visit the orientation page for more information.

Ministry Partner Development (MPD)

Each candidate receives a support schedule which details the amount of financial support needed based on location and family size. This document can be revised later to incorporate your specific or growing needs.

  • First, finish reading The God Ask and complete the support raising response questions (if you haven’t already done this).
  • Second, find at least 20 individuals who commit themselves to pray regularly for you and specifically over your support raising journey. You may eventually be asking these same people to partner with you, but start with prayer.
  • Third, take a look at the wiki page for MPD (ministry partner development) to find examples, tips, and more help!

Once you receive your support schedule, you will be matched with a more formal training/coaching program to assist you in your support-raising ministry. TeachBeyond has a tiered structure for support raising training dependent on how much you have to raise. If you have any questions or concerns, we are happy to talk with you and are available by phone or email (mpd@teachbeyond.org or 630-517-2081).

MPD Training Packages

All program costs are either reimbursable or will be taken directly from your ministry account. More specific information will be emailed to you directly. Each tier level includes foundational Biblical principles, practical strategies and feedback, and ongoing assistance and help.

 Tier 1
Raising $0-$1000 in monthly support | Intro Video
The online course: “MPD Crash Course: Initial Support” is a TeachBeyond designed, self-paced, 12 hours course. Once you go through the intro materials, you will be matched with a cohort group and given login information,

 Tier 2
Raising $1000+ | Intro Video
Option 1: Tailored Fundraising

TeachBeyond partners with an organization called Tailored Fundraising. Tailored provides in-depth, online, weekly, one-on-one training, with an experienced coach, breaking down everything you need to know about raising support. Training is 12 weeks long with an option to extend.

Option 2: SRS Bootcamp
TeachBeyond partners with an organization called Support Raising Solutions (SRS). SRS leads a 2-day intensive workshop, unpacking the Biblical basis for support raising and practical methods. The training is offered once a month in different locations around the US.

Option 3: Online and SRS

If you are unable to attend an SRS Bootcamp in a reasonable amount of time, you can begin with the online training immediately and follow up with the “Last Chance” bootcamp at Orientation which will provide the hands-on practice and feedback vital to larger support goals.

  Last Chance
Support Raising Solutions Bootcamp
If you are accepted within 2 weeks of Orientation and need to “fast-track” your training, this is an intensive 2-day bootcamp of training and practical workshops. It will be facilitated by TeachBeyond and will be at Wheaton college in conjunction with Orientation.

You are now permitted to receive pledges and gifts toward your monthly support and start-up costs. TeachBeyond will set up a ministry account which will be used to process all donations and your financial transactions.

New supporters should begin giving as soon as possible. Funds given before your departure (both one-time and monthly gifts) will be used for start-up costs and travel expenses. TeachBeyond requires that candidates raise all start-up costs and 90% of monthly support before booking airline tickets.

Monthly Pledges Recommended

Monthly pledges are the most consistent method for maintaining support. The most cost-effective way for individuals to give monthly is by signing up for automatic withdrawal (EFT) or giving through their online Bill Pay.

Supporters can:

  • Submit a pledge form (see below) or set it up through our online giving page (www.give.teachbeyond.org).
  • Give one-time or recurring gifts online via credit card or PayPal. Due to the fees associated with this option and the many problems with credit cards, we recommend this option for one-time gifts only.

Please log onto the website and thoroughly familiarize yourself with our giving options so you can effectively educate your donors.

Visit the Give Page 

 Pledge Forms

Pledge Forms (USA) 
Pledge Slips: 3 on a page (USA) 
Pledge Forms (Canada) 
Pledge Slips: 3 on a page (Canada) 

TeachBeyond provides return envelopes and TeachBeyond brochures you can give your supporters along with the pledge cards. Please contact Pete Sanderlin to have return envelopes and brochures sent to you. We ask that you print out your own pledge cards and insert your name on the form. We recommend you begin with 100 of each.

Create a unique giving page your supporters can use as soon as possible. This has proven very successful for our members. Fill in the form below and provide a picture.

Personalized Giving Page 
Office Mix Tutorial 

The KEY is the online login system used to access DonorHub. If you are not technologically inclined, here are some nice walkthrough instructions.

  • DonorHub is a website connected to TeachBeyond to provide you “real time” information about your donors, donations, pledges, and project account balances. Get started with DonorHub here. You can get to the DonorHub here.
  • TntConnect is a free downloadable software program to help track your ministry partners and connects to the DonorHub and your donor information there. Here are the instructions on SharePoint. Here is a overview video.
  • Need to import your contacts from an excel file you’ve been using? Read here.
  • Need to have you and your spouse access Tnt from different computers? Use Dropbox, read here.
  • MPDx is a free, online, cloud-based, program to help you track your ministry partners and connects to DonorHub and your donor information there. It has all the same abilities as TntConnect just in a different format and is integratable with a few more systems. More information here. Want a tour to see what it is and what it can do? Click here.

As you’re building your financial partnership team, we’d encourage you to also be proactive in inviting others to join with you in serving in transformational education. Our new member referral program is a way of showing our appreciation for our candidates/members who recruit others to join them in serving in one of the many TeachBeyond opportunities around the world.

You may submit receipts for “work-related” expenses (e.g., printing and postage for prayer letters, support-raising related travel, prayer cards, passports, etc.). Please contact your finance office if you have questions.

Expense Claim Form (USA) 
U.S. finance.us@teachbeyond.org

Expense Claim Forms (Canada) 
Canada finance.ca@teachbeyond.org

Important Information

TeachBeyond Logos and Files

Here are our logo files to use as you raise support.
TeachBeyond Logo RGB 
TeachBeyond Logo CMYK 
TeachBeyond Logo B/W 
TeachBeyond Logo White 

TeachBeyond Wiki

Learn from current and past members by using our
TeachBeyond Wiki 


Yammer is a social network that connects the TeachBeyond community. It is a great place to seek feedback or advice from other TeachBeyond members.


This is where we store a lot of our organizational documents. There are a lot of good resources here for you to use. Access it using your TeachBeyond email account.

As you’re building your financial partnership team, we’d encourage you to also be proactive in inviting others to join with you in serving in transformational education. Our new member referral program is a way of showing our appreciation for our candidates/members who recruit others to join them in serving in one of the many TeachBeyond opportunities around the world.

Expense Claim Form

You may submit receipts for “work-related” expenses (e.g., printing and postage for prayer letters, support-raising related travel, prayer cards, passports, etc.). Please contact your finance office if you have questions.

Finance (money or payroll)

Donor Services (donations, supporters, giving)

Member Care (personal or spiritual preparation and support)

Member Care provides personal and spiritual support to candidates and members including services such as prayer, counseling, coaching, spiritual direction, transition care, personal development and interpersonal skills training.

People Services

People Services functions to serve you during your on-the-field, associate or affiliate ministry with TeachBeyond. We are responsible for the administration of employment forms, benefits, policy and legalities during your tenure with TeachBeyond.

Communications (prayer cards, personal giving pages)

HR Forms

all HR forms should be sent to hr@teachbeyond.org.
* For security purposes send all HR documents using your Outlook/TeachBeyond e-mail. Office365 uses encryption so the emails would be unreadable if intercepted.

Health Information Form

TeachBeyond requires that you (and all family members accompanying you) have a complete physical examination. Ideally, this is done 3-6 months prior to departure. Please have your doctor fill out the form below for each person and email it to us at hr@teachbeyond.org.

It is a TeachBeyond requirement that you have read over the Member Handbook. Here are some helps for meeting this requirement:

Member Handbook Acknowledgement Form (signature and date required)

Submit your banks information so we can directly deposit your funds into your bank.
Bank Payroll Information 

Each participant (including children) needs to bring a passport with them to orientation. Your passport(s) will be required during international travel and as a means of identification for a variety of lving and business transaction abroad.

It is recommended that you have a scanned copy available elsewhere in the event of loss or theft.

You may submit receipts for “work-related” expenses (e.g., printing and postage for prayer letters, support-raising related travel, prayer cards, passports, etc.). Please contact your finance office if you have questions.

Expense Claim Form (USA) 
U.S. finance.us@teachbeyond.org

Expense Claim Forms (Canada) 
Canada finance.ca@teachbeyond.org